Calling all Independent Arborists!

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Protect the Public
Be Independent

Mission Statement:

To disseminate unbiased opinions and generally acceptable information to commercial and residential  property owners who desire a professional opinion on the current health and condition of their trees and reasonable acceptable solutions for any concerns.

Become Certified Today

Membership Requirements: To be a member in good standing of Independent Consulting Arborist LLC Florida as a Consultant First Class, a minimum of 4 years of full time, verifiable employment in the tree service industry and satisfactory completion of the following courses and training:

 PROFICIENCY IN SAFETY: demonstrate expertise in safe and proper maintenance of ropes, saws, chipper, stump grinder, man lift, helmets, communication devices, felling of trees, loading of trucks, trailers and all other types of debris transportation, report writing, explanation of reports specifically identifying potential hazards  ie. houses, wells, power lines, light posts, fences, buildings and all other potential targets that could pose a danger to persons or property. Reports and Scope of Work are of particular importance.

         A SCOPE OF WORK identifies at a minimum:

  • Name of person responsible to contract and pay for the work (Client)
  • Location of potential work including a specific address
  • Detailed scope of work (tree, bushes, stump removal, relocation of decorative yard items
  • Loading, removal and cost of debris hauling
  • Total estimated cost of the entire project
  • Date the work will begin and date when all of the work will have been completed.
  • Date the full amount is due and payable.

New members will have tested and proven their knowledge and proficiency required to pass the written tests with a minimum score of 80%. Tests can be retaken if necessary after 60 days of receiving an insufficient grade. Successful participants will secure a photo ID from the ICA showing the member in good standing and the expiration date of membership, which is two years from the passing test date.